
Showing posts from January, 2021

Weird Thing

 Have you ever learned a new word, and then heard it again that same day. I have multiple times. It is weird. It really makes you think. If you had not heard that word before, then would it have come up, and then if you learned it that second time, you would have heard a third time. I think it is weird. Comment if it has happened before to you. Check out this link for my official websites to learn new things.

Daily Quote 1/23/21

 Hello, I am here to give you the quote of the day and me, Ted, and my thoughts on the quote. Today's quote is... Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside of them was superior to circumstance. -Bruce Barton 1. Let's talk facts about Bruce Barton- Bruce Fairchild Barton is an American author, an executive advertiser, and a politician. He was a part of the US congress from 1937-1940 as a Republican from New York. He was born in Robin, Tennesee in the year 1886, and died in New York, NY in the year 1967. 2. This quote makes me think of- If you believe you can do anything, then you can do anything, the point is , if you believe you can do something, you can.  Drop a comment, let me know what you think it means.

Check This Out

I heard a quote today that make me laugh, but then I thought about it and it was nice, here it is- Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something -Plato (Greek Philosopher) Take a minute to think about that. I am going to start doing a quote a day, give a yes or a no if you like this idea.

Best Dogs for Allergies

  Best Dogs For Allergies Dogs that do not shed, are called hypoallergenic dogs. A few breeds are actually hypoallergenic, here are my top 5. The Poodle- A poodle is one of the most famous dogs for being part of a mix of most dogs. It is intelligent, alert, active, trainable, and more. The Miniature Schnauzer The miniature Schnauzer is the smallest in all three breeds of schnauzers, the standard schnauzer, and the giant schnauzer. The schnauzer comes in grey, white, and black. Schnauzers have long noses, hence their name Schnauzer from the word schnoz. Shih Tzu- The Shih Tzu breed is over 1,000 years old, it is clever, affectionate, friendly, intelligent, and more. They live around 10-16 years of age, and they weigh 8.8-16lbs for females and males. They originated in China. And they are known as "Little Lion Dog" Maltese- The Maltese are in the toy group. It is affectionate, easygoing, docile, fearless, responsive, playful, and more. They range from 6.6-8.8 for males and fema...


Hello, my Chicken Tedders,  I want to share with you some thoughts, Word of the Day- Apologia noun/    ap - uh - LOH - jee - uh A defense especially of one's opinions, positions, or actions. Facts about Rome -  1. Did you know modern Rome has 280 fountains and more than a total of 900 churches - that's a lot! 2. Rome has a museum dedicated only to pasta, it is called The National Museum of Pasta 3. Around 700,000 euros of coins are tossed into Rome's Trevi Fountain each year, the proceeds are donated to help those in need

My Fan Name

 Hello, I am in the process of just starting my blog, and it is fun, but I need a name for you, comment if you have an idea, my front runner so far is... Chicken Tedders! Let Me Know

First Post!

 Hi, Welcome to Ted's Random Thoughts, where I will be posting about things. I hope you read them.